Selasa, 23 November 2010

High Heels can be Beauty or the Beast

Most of women are hurt they feet when use high heels just for making them feminine and look more beautiful and sexy. It is no wrong with that because every women in the world want to get the word "beautiful". But sometimes the beautiful needs sacrifice. This sacrifice can be seen as positive and negative things. The positive ones  is wearing high heels make woman more pretty and sexy, while the negative ones is wearing high heels will be hurt the feet especially because of pressure of the heels. Also the high price make our pocket empty.That's why I call high heels as Beauty or the Beast.

Along with it, I as one high heels lover feel the same way. When I see an eye catching form of high heels, in my heart, I should have it ones whatever happened. Seems like I'll do anything to get something, but that's true and I call it negative things. To prevent the negative things as I do, women need to know how to choose a good, beautiful, and comfort high heels. There are some following tips based on my experience that might help women to choose high heels:

The first thing to do is go to shoe shop, of course. Then, choose high heels style and search for the number. Sometimes, the style is not match with the number. The wrong thing from this condition is force us to buy it although the number is not  suitable. For the example, the wrong thing I've done when the high number is 38 (my number 39 (Europe)/9 (UK)), I buy it because I love that high heels from the first sight. Finally, I cant wear it in the night (as I know that size of the feet will more big at the night and on the contrary). So, think before do as I've done! The important thing that woman should do is try first and you will know if the heels make you comfort and looked beautiful!

In the other hand, since function of the shoe is to protect feet, the material is also important. As I said before that choosing high heels not only the type, number, but also the material. The material is divided into good, middle, and bad quality which is depend on the comfort level to our feet. The  aphorism says "price determines the quality", it means that more good quality more high money we spend. I agree with the aphorism ,although not all people have some money to get the best quality. We should not buy the expensive ones but we should smart in choosing high heels. Find the unique ones because my experience says that uniqueness things make the differences and seems exclusive although the price is in middle level (not too expensive nor cheap). The other is the material that will not hurt our feet with try to walk with that high heels first and we can knew that the heel is comfort enough.

Remember! High heels can be Beauty or the Beast!
Happy shopping. ^^

2 komentar:

  1. but the problem is, sooooo tired if i have to use it for hours. yes, sometimes beauty is pain, sometimes ^^v

  2. me too..that's why i rarely even never use it n i just keep it on that box..i believe someday i can wear it..:D
